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DPHC ~ 20 GP
13 win  |  5 loss  |  2 tie  ] = 28

GF=104   GA=62

Waterdon ~ 20 GP
12 win  |  6 loss  |  2 tie  ] = 26

GF=72   GA=60

Jackson Homes ~ 20 GP
10 win  |  6 loss  |  4 tie  ] = 24

GF=75   GA=63

Langevin ~ 20 GP
8 win  |  9 loss  |  3 tie  ] = 19

GF=61   GA=64

Desjardins Painting ~ 20 GP
8 win  |  12 loss  |  0 tie  ] = 16

GF=50   GA=68

Save on Fitness ~ 20 GP
2 win  |  15 loss  |  3 tie  ] = 7

GF=54   GA=99


[Game: 26]   Wednesday May 29, 2024 at 9:00pm
    Save on Fitness    2  [ view all ]  [ Goalie: Philip Brady   ]    
    Desjardins Painting    4  [ view all ]  [ Goalie: Matt Carrier   ]    

Desjardins Painting  3  17  --  1    17:55   Goal 
Desjardins Painting  19  15  70  1    16:20   Goal 
Desjardins Painting  8      1  2  12:09   Hooking 
Save on Fitness  11  14  33  1    00:20   Goal 
End of 1 -   Save on Fitness: 1   Desjardins Painting: 2  
Desjardins Painting  70  17  --  2    09:30   Goal 
Desjardins Painting  10      2  2  08:16   Tripping 
Save on Fitness  14  --  --  2    02:54   Goal 
Desjardins Painting  19  --  --  2    01:45   Goal 
End of 2 -   Save on Fitness: 2   Desjardins Painting: 4  
 Scoring Summary - Period 1
  17:55   Desjardins Painting   Jason Jackson (Jason Martens)
  16:20   Desjardins Painting   Dave Landrigan (Dan Trtik, Dan Smith)
  00:20   Save on Fitness   Parker Irvine (Joel Taylor, Philip Brady)
 Scoring Summary - Period 2
  09:30   Desjardins Painting   Dan Smith (Jason Martens)
  02:54   Save on Fitness   Joel Taylor
  01:45   Desjardins Painting   Dave Landrigan
 Full Game Story - As reported game night
HIGHLIGHTS FOR: Wed May 29 at 9:00pm: Desjardins Painting upsets Save on Fitness at home 2-4 ** Starting the game action off; Jason Jackson of Desjardins Painting scored at 17:55 in the 1st period fed by Jason Martens ** Dave Landrigan of Desjardins Painting scored at 16:20 in the 1st period fed by Dan Trtik who received a lead pass from Dan Smith ** Josh Inwood of Desjardins Painting gracefully accepted the ref's invitation to relax and received 2 minutes for Hooking at 12:09 in the 1st period ** Parker Irvine of Save on Fitness scored at 00:20 in the 1st period fed by Joel Taylor who received a lead pass from Philip Brady ** Dan Smith of Desjardins Painting scored at 09:30 in the 2nd fed by Jason Martens ** Marc Paulin of Desjardins Painting looking totally innocent at the whistle received 2 minutes for Tripping at 08:16 in the 2nd ** All were amazed as Joel Taylor of Save on Fitness scored at 02:54 in the 2nd unassisted ** All were amazed as Dave Landrigan of Desjardins Painting scored at 01:45 in the 2nd unassisted **
 Game Rosters
Desjardins Painting (goalie + 14 skaters)
33   Matt Carrier  [G]
4   Rob Gingras  [D]
8   Josh Inwood  [F]
3   Jason Jackson  [F]
44   Porter Kenny  [D]
19   Dave Landrigan  [D]
11   Shane Loyer  [F]
13   Stan Mahoney  [D]
9   Marc Maracle  [F]
17   Jason Martens  [D]
10   Marc Paulin  [D]
70   Dan Smith  [F]
12   Pat Tardiff  [F]
15   Dan Trtik  [F]
7   Brad Westerman  [F]
Save on Fitness (goalie + 14 skaters)
33   Philip Brady  [G]
85   Ben Brauer  [D]
6   Phillip Dolliver  [D]
55   Kevin Earle  [D]
63   Tyler Fawcett  [F]
28   Jason Garner  [F]
11   Parker Irvine  [F]
3   Brian Kowaluk  [D]
93   Blair Latour  [F]
41   Shawn Lee  [F]
71   John Olmsted  [F]
88   Martin Richmond  [F]
22   Stuart Robinson  [F]
14   Joel Taylor  [D]
77   Rob Young  [F]
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    View the next game that was played by Desjardins Painting
Save on Fitness 2 - Desjardins Painting 4
Wednesday Aug 28, 8:00pm
Waterdon 4 - DPHC 3
Wednesday Aug 28, 9:00pm
Langevin 3 - Jackson Homes 3
Wednesday Aug 28, 10:00pm

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