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DPHC ~ 20 GP
13 win  |  5 loss  |  2 tie  ] = 28

GF=104   GA=62

Waterdon ~ 20 GP
12 win  |  6 loss  |  2 tie  ] = 26

GF=72   GA=60

Jackson Homes ~ 20 GP
10 win  |  6 loss  |  4 tie  ] = 24

GF=75   GA=63

Langevin ~ 20 GP
8 win  |  9 loss  |  3 tie  ] = 19

GF=61   GA=64

Desjardins Painting ~ 20 GP
8 win  |  12 loss  |  0 tie  ] = 16

GF=50   GA=68

Save on Fitness ~ 20 GP
2 win  |  15 loss  |  3 tie  ] = 7

GF=54   GA=99


[Game: 63]   Wednesday August 28, 2024 at 10:00pm
    Langevin    3  [ view all ]  [ Goalie: Eric Myers   ]    
    Jackson Homes    3  [ view all ]  [ Goalie: Trevor Foster   ]    

Jackson Homes  9  --  --  1    00:00   Goal 
Jackson Homes  56  88  --  1    00:00   Goal 
Jackson Homes  7  9  --  1    00:00   Goal 
Jackson Homes  7      1  2  00:00   Roughing 
Jackson Homes  15      1  2  00:00   Hooking 
Jackson Homes  29      1  2  00:00   Slashing 
Jackson Homes  81      1  2  00:00   Unsportsman 
Langevin  12  7  4  1    00:00   Goal 
Langevin  6  7  14  1    00:00   Goal 
Langevin  15      1  2  00:00   Slashing 
Langevin  4  7  --  1    00:00   Goal 
Langevin  10      1  2  00:00   Roughing 
Langevin  10      1  2  00:00   Unsportsman 
End of 1 -   Langevin: 3   Jackson Homes: 3  
End of 2 -   Langevin: 3   Jackson Homes: 3  
 Scoring Summary - Period 1
  00:00   Jackson Homes   Andrew Higgins
  00:00   Jackson Homes   Jeff Brohman (Patrick Albert)
  00:00   Jackson Homes   Josh Jackson (Andrew Higgins)
  00:00   Langevin   Steve Gaines (Ryan Laird, Keith Charlebois)
  00:00   Langevin   Dan Bradley (Ryan Laird, Wesley Nichols)
  00:00   Langevin   Keith Charlebois (Ryan Laird)
 Scoring Summary - Period 2
 Full Game Story - As reported game night
HIGHLIGHTS FOR: Wed Aug 28 at 10:00pm: Langevin played Jackson Homes to a 3-all tie   ** Starting the game action off; All were amazed as Andrew Higgins of Jackson Homes scored at 00:00 in the 1st period after an incredible individual effort ** Jeff Brohman of Jackson Homes scored at 00:00 in the 1st period receiving a tape-to-tape pass from Patrick Albert ** Josh Jackson of Jackson Homes scored at 00:00 in the 1st period fed by Andrew Higgins ** Josh Jackson of Jackson Homes got involved in a questionable call and received 2 minutes for Roughing at 00:00 in the 1st period ** Steve Bailey of Jackson Homes hung his head in shame and received 2 minutes for Hooking at 00:00 in the 1st period ** Jason Beauregard of Jackson Homes obviously not adjusting to the new rules received 2 minutes for Slashing at 00:00 in the 1st period ** Shawn Loyer of Jackson Homes was obviously upset by the call but still received 2 minutes for Unsportsman at 00:00 in the 1st period ** Steve Gaines of Langevin scored at 00:00 in the 1st period fed by Ryan Laird who received a lead pass from Keith Charlebois ** Dan Bradley of Langevin scored at 00:00 in the 1st period fed by Ryan Laird who received a lead pass from Wesley Nichols ** Michael Eng of Langevin looked like a deer in the headlights and received 2 minutes for Slashing at 00:00 in the 1st period ** Keith Charlebois of Langevin scored at 00:00 in the 1st period fed by Ryan Laird ** David McGlashan of Langevin looked like a deer in the headlights and received 2 minutes for Roughing at 00:00 in the 1st period ** David McGlashan of Langevin looked like a deer in the headlights and received 2 minutes for Unsportsman at 00:00 in the 1st period **
 Game Rosters
Jackson Homes (goalie + 13 skaters)
88   Patrick Albert  [F]
77   Jeff Atchison  [D]
15   Steve Bailey  [F]
29   Jason Beauregard  [F]
56   Jeff Brohman  [F]
17   Ian Carswell  [F]
4   Dave Dolliver  [D]
21   Brody Dulmage  [F]
1   Trevor Foster  [G]
9   Andrew Higgins  [D]
7   Josh Jackson  [F]
81   Shawn Loyer  [F]
37   Robert Parent  [F]
23   Kyle Wright  [F]
Langevin (goalie + 13 skaters)
13   Richard Ballance  [F]
6   Dan Bradley  [F]
4   Keith Charlebois  [D]
3   Mitchell Ehrke  [D]
15   Michael Eng  [F]
12   Steve Gaines  [F]
9   Shane Greer  [F]
7   Ryan Laird  [F]
11   John Lawrance  [F]
88   Rod McDonald  [F]
10   David McGlashan  [D]
1   Eric Myers  [G]
14   Wesley Nichols  [F]
5   Andrew Orchard  [F]
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Save on Fitness 2 - Desjardins Painting 4
Wednesday Aug 28, 8:00pm
Waterdon 4 - DPHC 3
Wednesday Aug 28, 9:00pm
Langevin 3 - Jackson Homes 3
Wednesday Aug 28, 10:00pm

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